TSI hosts record-breaking leadership webinar with MGMA

On Tuesday, April 12th, TSI broke a company record with leadership webinar “Coach Them Up or Coach Them OUT!”, presented by TSI speaker and Vice President, Tracy Spears. The webinar was co-hosted by MGMA as part of the Executive Partnership program, and was attended in record-breaking numbers.

“Coach Them Up or Coach Them OUT!” is a leadership presentation authored and given by Tracy Spears, co-author of the best-selling book “What Exceptional Leaders Know”. The webinar focused on the four conversations every leader needs to have, and how to have these important conversations; how to avoid under-appreciating or failing to recognize team members; and the importance of transparency in all business environments, but especially those in crisis. Spears’ common theme was the need to communicate clearly and often with team members, in a way that let them understand what expectations were, how they met them, and that their input is important and appreciated. The goals of Spears’ methods seem to point at leaders letting their team do their jobs with little interference, but not without guidance and appreciation.

Watch the recording now!

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